Dining Room Underway

September 30, 2014

Dining Room Underway

If you've been reading this blog, you likely already know that I have a tendency to be indecisive and obsessive about paint colors.  The dining room is one of those spaces.  It's smack dab in the middle of the floor plan and if I choose the wrong color, the feel of the WHOLE HOUSE will be ruined.  Ruined, I

Front Entry Progress

September 19, 2014

Front Entry Progress

I've been working on our new front storm door.  I like quick and easy jobs because there's too many difficult and long jobs in my life right now.  Like raising kids.   Two words, people: danish oil.  That's where it's at.  I've used it on a footstool, china cabinet, dining room chairs and now on the front door.

Trim Stalker

September 18, 2014

Trim Stalker

I've been stripping, sanding and otherwise beating the crap out of the front windows and now they're reading for paint. I am typically good with interior paint colors, but have issues with choosing a color for the outside.  Maybe because it feels more permanent?  Or perhaps because painting the exterior is a completely tedious, thankless job. I've been

Autumn Rug Round Up

September 17, 2014

Autumn Rug Round Up

There's something about the change of season that makes me slow down, wear cardigans and eat soup.  It's written in my DNA.  With cooler temperatures coming, we're all going to be spending more time indoors, so why not make our spaces AWESOME (on a budget)? I am not in the market for a rug right now but I

Kid schrapnel, solved! I hope.

September 15, 2014

Kid schrapnel, solved! I hope.

We're in the swing of a new routine with the start of the school. Three of my four kiddos are now in school.  My initial project of the school year is to get the house simplified, organized and donate the items we don't use. In other words, I covertly bag up the kiddos toys while they're not home

Front Door Plan

September 10, 2014

Front Door Plan

This summer has been hard on our front screen door. The screen ripped a couple weeks ago and the girls began to stick their heads out as if they were working a fast food drive through. Pretty fun for them but not cool for the long term.   We decided to get a new front storm door and

Window Glazing, Or Something Like That.

September 09, 2014

Window Glazing, Or Something Like That.

So let me be honest.  I like diy projects but it's common that I have no experience with the project I'm doing.  I'll talk to people to have done it, watch You Tube videos on how to do it and then I'll give it a shot. That said, I decided to strip, sand, reglaze and paint the front