Basement Progress

Last week, we were in Boston. While I was gone, the basement ceiling was painted and the spray foam insulation was blown in.  I had my "spies" at the house sending me progress shots but...gah!  It was so hard to be gone, especially knowing that I tend to have some neurosis regarding paint colors

I had decided against black for the ceiling color because it would make our already-low ceiling feel even lower, even though I know black would hide our crazy pipes well. I was aiming for a light gray that would read as an appropriately-aged white...but NOT cream. No yellow tones on the ceiling because it would look terrible with everything forever. Not that I am an extremist.

We arrived home in the evening and I made a beeline for the basement to check out the ceiling color.  

Yes, the crazy pipes and old ceiling are still there, but it looks so much more cohesive! I chose Seapearl by Benjamin Moore (thanks for all of you who voted on Facebook!). I will be painting the walls Gray Mist by Ben Moore, which was my other color option for the ceiling. It's a shade darker and I figured that would look better on the walls.

We also painted all the trim this weekend and it feels so good to have that done!

Genevieve was a great little paint helper.

All the drywall is up and they're finishing up the taping and mudding tomorrow and then it's time to paint.

I plan to paint Wednesday and then the trim and doors go up Thursday & Friday!  

I love progress.
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  1. Looks so good! I can't wait to come and ogle your paint colors in person. Congrats on the progress.
