A Lesson in Compassion

May 26, 2016

A Lesson in Compassion

A Lesson in Compassion Image
Za'layia's funeral is today. I've been following this story closely these past few weeks with a heavy heart.  A few weeks ago, Za'layia was jumping rope with a police officer and she asked the officer to keep her safe. And the officer couldn't. Her family couldn't. It all happened so quickly. I can only imagine what Destiny, Za'layia's mama,

Anna's Dining Room

May 09, 2016

Anna's Dining Room

Hey guys. You know what's cool about writing stuff and publishing it to the world wide web? Well, first it's pretty great that about a couple dozen people read it (thanks, Relatives!) and a handful non-relateds read it too. Meet some of the non-relateds, Anna & Kole and their little kiddos, Atticus & Sophia. Let's all do a