Milwaukee Stories

October 21, 2015

Milwaukee Stories

“I want to flourish, I want my family to flourish, I want my daughters to flourish. And, I think that this gives us a really amazing context for that.” photo credit Jabril Faraj I sat down awhile ago with Jabril Faraj of Milwaukee Stories to talk about the blog and the house project, but mostly we spoke about a

Thoughts During a Mid-Morning Coffee Break

October 13, 2015

Thoughts During a Mid-Morning Coffee Break

Thoughts During a Mid-Morning Coffee Break Image
Well, hey there. I took an unexpected break from blogging for no particular reason. There was no mini-vacation, no crazy all-night paint project, no amazing diy project to tell about (although I did purchase an extremely ugly coffee table but it remains ugly). I'll get back to the bungalow series, right after this commercial from Anxiety Girl. via